When you are grieving the loss of someone close to you, the estate process can seem complex and challenging. We are here to help.
From our legal practices in Traralgon and Warragul, we specialise in assisting those appointed as an Executor to negotiate all or part of the deceased estate process with a view to finalising the estate in the timeliest manner.
Each estate is different. Depending on the content of the Will, and the nature, value and holding of the deceased’s assets, we can help in determining whether a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration are required.
From there we can provide continued assistance in all facets of the estate process, including application for Probate or Letters of Administration, sale or transfer of property and shares, retrieving monetary assets such as aged care fees, superannuation, and bank accounts. We can liaise with as many related parties as you require and keep you up to date throughout all stages in the estate process.
Find out more
Contact our office on 03 5176 1000 for assistance with a deceased estate.